Energy Sector Tackles Skills Challenges at Conference

Energy Sector Tackles Skills Challenges at Conference

Industry experts from across the UK gathered in Glasgow to focus on finding solutions to the UK’s future energy challenges. The ‘Many Skills: One Vision’ Conference, organised by the National Skills Academy for Power and sponsored by SSE, brought together key figures from both the public and private sectors to discuss news ways of tackling skills shortages, driving recruitment, and the provision of new skillsets brought about by changing technologies.

The Conference also celebrated best practice in the power industry through the ‘People in Power Awards’ ceremony for individuals and teams that have delivered outstanding work or training in the sector.

Neil Robertson, Chief Executive of the National Skills Academy for Power, said:

“The Conference showed that the energy sector is united in tackling the workforce challenges it faces. Thank you to everyone that attended and shared their ideas.”

“The UK economy benefits greatly from a thriving power industry. We’ll have to recruit up to 55,000 new employees into the sector by 2024, so it’s vital the industry continues to work together to inspire more young people into the sector.”

Angela Constance, Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Training, Youth and Women’s Employment, said:

“I’m delighted to have participated in the NSAP Conference. From job security and career development to innovative, diverse work, the power sector has a great deal to offer potential employees, including Scotland’s women and young people.

“It’s vitally important that we invest in the power industry, and develop the necessary skills in the workforce to meet the needs of an ever-evolving sector.

“However, having met talented young workers and apprentices around the country, I have no doubt we have the capability to produce the next generation of workers for the future of Scottish energy.”