New Competency Accord Standards

Working in collaboration with Power Sector employers, the Energy & Utility Skills Group has produced three new draft specifications covering the use of SF6 Gas Handling which the sector can take advantage of to standardise its approach to this area of work and reduce duplication.

The draft specifications which the sector can take advantage of to standardise its approach to persons requiring SF6 training and reduce duplication cover the following three categories:

  1. Awareness
  2. Top Up and Test
  3. All duties

The performance and knowledge required of each standard were also mapped by the group to the existing 14 requirements of the EU Regulation document 305 (Construction Products Regulation).

The standards’ categories are designed to build on each other, allowing progression from one category to the next. It is proposed that the training and assessment to achieve each level will be delivered by industry accredited providers assured through the Energy & Utilities Independent Assessment Service (EUIAS).

These are all positive steps towards achieving the recognised standards of competence sought by the sector for this activity and a very worthwhile contribution to the growing Competency Accord set of standards shared across the sector.

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