Water Quality Excellence Flows for Scotland

Energy & Utility Skills, a membership organisation that is working across the UK to help make excellence the standard in the energy and utility sector, has welcomed Scottish Water mandating the National Water Hygiene Scheme within its wider distribution and operations maintenance strategy. Scottish Water’s approach will further increase the focus on safeguarding the quality of its customers’ water.

Water Quality Excellence Flows for Scotland

This distribution and operations maintenance strategy will require appropriate registration for all persons working on water distribution activities within the Scottish Water region, including its operational personnel, contractors, consultants, delivery partners, framework suppliers and self-lay organisations.

Peter Farrer, Scottish Water’s Chief Operating Officer, said: “In Scottish Water we are committed to delivering the highest possible standards of drinking water quality for our customers.  To support this commitment, we place a great deal of importance on the need to have a National Water Hygiene Scheme ‘Blue Card’ for any individuals who work on or near our drinking water assets.

“In addition to water hygiene, and with the support of Energy & Utility Skills, we also created our own Scottish Water registration scheme for our water distribution operations and maintenance (DOMS). DOMS allows us to bring a strong focus to all aspects of operations on our water networks and to monitor and manage access to our infrastructure.  We believe this is a vitally important area and in addition to the requirements for people directly involved in water operations we have also created interactive online learning that we have made available to all of our employees regardless of their role to increase awareness and promote understanding about the vital role that we play in assuring quality standards.”

“We applaud Mr Farrer and Scottish Water in taking this step,” said Nick Ellins, Chief Executive of the Energy & Utility Skills Group,* the West Midlands-based expert voice on workforce issues in the sector across the UK, which has supported recognition of the National Water Hygiene Scheme by the Energy & Utility Skills Register (EUSR),** part of the Energy & Utility Skills Group.

Mr Ellins added: “The National Water Hygiene Training and Accreditation Scheme was introduced to the industry over a decade ago as a collaboration between the UK water industry, key public health bodies and EUSR to provide the workforce with the ability to operate to the highest hygiene and safety practices whilst working on the water network.

“It now forms an integral part of the Scottish Water Distribution Operations Maintenance Strategy and has become established as a vital element in making excellence the standard in public health. Scottish Water and the Drinking Water Quality Regulator for Scotland have set out very clearly their expected standards of hygiene knowledge and behaviours for those in contact with the public water supply, promoting a safety-first culture right across Scotland.”

The Drinking Water Quality Regulator for Scotland, Sue Petch, said: “It is imperative that all activities carried out on water supply systems are of the highest standard and are done so in a way that prevent any impact on drinking water quality and consumer confidence in the supply. The National Water Hygiene training and accreditation scheme makes sure that anyone working on water systems is able to demonstrate their competence and understanding of best practice.”

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