Members Achievements Rewarded at Utility Week Awards

Energy & Utility Skills members picked up 11 out of the 12 awards on offer at Monday evening’s Utility Week Awards


Members Achievements Rewarded at Utility Week Awards

Our members receiving gongs at the prestigious annual celebration were:

The awards recognise excellence across the sector and reward organisations that have achieved outstanding performance over the past year. A group of leading independent experts were on the judging panel, including Chief Executive of the Energy & Utility Skills Group, Nick Ellins.

Nick Ellins comments; “The standard at the awards was exceptionally high. It is great to see so many of our members receiving awards for the initiatives they are undertaking. As a sector that is critical to the UK economy, these innovations ensure we continue to provide essential services every day to the 65 million consumers and businesses right across the four nations.”

We’d like to take this opportunity to say a big congratulations to all of our winning members and we look forward to another year working together in 2018.

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