Kier launches 2019 Diversity Report

Kier, a leading UK construction, services and property group and Energy & Utility Skills member, has issued a new diversity research report (2019) ; ‘Attracting, retaining and developing a diverse workforce’.

The report highlights key challenges and coincidences with the launch of the sector’s Inclusion Commitment ; a set of five principles which 32 sector employers, under the Energy & Utilities Skills Partnership, have committed to implementing.

The key insights emerging from the Kier report include;

  • attracting diversity by making the working environment more appealing for both genders;
  • retaining diversity by creating effective policy and a positive culture and managers who truly value and support their people;
  • and developing diversity by offering full transparency of opportunity, eliminating decision bias and tailoring corporate development offers to meet the individual needs of different groups.

Nick Ellins, CEO of Energy & Utility Skills said:

“Our very society is underpinned by organisations such as Kier, that ensure our essential utility services are delivered each day, and construct our vital environmental infrastructure. They recognise that if they are to access the widest possible skills and talent and optimise their performance, they must attract and retain a workforce that represents the communities in which they operate.  This new report sets out clearly their specific approach to becoming that truly diverse business, and complements their wider work within the Energy & Utilities Skills Partnership, where they have helped launch a UK wide inclusion commitment from utility-based organisations this week.”   The Kier research findings are invaluable in helping employers when trying to attract and recruit a diverse range of high-calibre candidates. Firstly, by thinking more holistically about how roles can be performed in a more flexible way and secondly, how all groups can feel valued. All this needs to sit alongside a selection process that is transparent and fair to all applicants.

Download Kier’s diversity research report 2019 here

To find out more about the Diversity & Inclusion Commitment launch click here