Ellins steps down as Energy & Utility Skills Chief Executive

Energy & Utility Skills has today announced that Nick Ellins will be stepping down as Chief Executive at the end of July, after 5 years leading the specialist utility workforce organisation.

Energy & Utility Skills Chair, Jan Ward CBE said:

“Nick gave us a commitment from the very start, to 5 years of dedicated effort, and he has done an outstanding job for Energy & Utility Skills, and as an advocate for all the workforce across the UK. He has taken the organisation from its primarily government funded sector skills council role 5 years ago, to being a fully commercially independent business that is now recognised and respected for its knowledge of human capital, and its ability to make change happen through trusted collaboration with central and devolved governments, policy makers, regulators, unions, utility companies and the supply chain.  We want to wish Nick well for the future and thank him for his tireless efforts on our behalf.” 

Nick Ellins said:

“I am immensely proud of the team at Energy & Utility Skills and of our ability to make a real difference through trusted partnerships – initiating the first ever Workforce Renewal & Skills Strategy for the sector, creating The Energy & Utilities Skills Partnership of 30 industry Chief Executives, securing workforce resilience as a requirement within regulatory price reviews, building a stronger understanding for the value of Human Capital and being voted by the industry as Utility Week Utility Partner of the Year for “being a true partner to the whole utility sector”.

“The organisation is in an excellent position, with a talented team, financial sustainability and the support of its Board and sector to continue growing and supporting the gas, power, water and waste management industries on their future path.”