What We Do
Energy & Utility Skills is the sector’s leading authority on skills and workforce development in the UK. We work closely with our members and partners in the energy and utilities sector to promote, develop and support apprenticeship programmes. We advise and support you in developing a new apprenticeship standard if there isn’t a current standard that suits your needs.
We also:
- Give guidance and advise on the impact of the Apprenticeship Levy
- Support our members with implementation of the Apprenticeship Levy
- Develop Apprenticeship Standards that are designed and focused on the jobs employers within the energy and utilities sector specifically need
- Provide members with updates on Government policies relating to skills and apprenticeships
- Set and review National Occupational Standards, qualifications and apprenticeship frameworks for our sector
- Promote apprenticeships in our sector through Energy & Utilities Jobs
- Provide end-point assessment services through the Energy & Utilities Independent Assessment Service, part of the Energy & Utility Skills Group
- Assist in the recruitment of apprentices
About Apprenticeships
Apprenticeships are open for people aged 16 and over. They combine working with studying to gain skills, knowledge and behaviours in a specific occupation within a particular industry.
As an employer, you have certain responsibilities when engaging an apprentice. For example, you must ensure that your apprentice is partnered with experienced staff, they learn job-specific skills and they are studying at some point during their working week, either at a college or a training organisation.
Why Invest in Apprenticeships?
Recent data published by the Office for National Statistics indicates that the UK’s labour market is tighter than at any point since records began. In March 2017, the employment rate of people aged 16 to 64 reached its highest level since comparable records began in 1971 – 75%. At the same time, the unemployment rate has fallen to its lowest level since 1975 – 5%.
Investing in apprentices ensures business sustainability. Skilled, talented engineers are vital for the future of the energy and utilities sector as they secure a talent pipeline. Investing in training and developing new talent now helps to future-proof the sector. This is crucial for the stability of critical infrastructure in the water, waste management, gas and power industries.
Apprentices also make good commercial sense: they have been proven to deliver a return on investment within one to two years. As well as improving your company’s productivity and competitiveness, training apprentices means you are able to develop skilled workers with knowledge of your services and processes from the moment they enter the workforce, which helps you build and retain a motivated and dedicated team.
Find Out More
The pages linked below contain information regarding Apprenticeships and end-point assessment.
- Apprenticeship Levy
- National Occupational Standards and Apprenticeship Frameworks
- Industry Standards
- End-point Assessment
To learn more about apprenticeships in the energy and utilities sector, please contact us on 0121 713 8255 or complete our online enquiry form.