Help shape the future NOS and Qualifications for the Sector

It is the responsibility of Energy & Utility Skills to make sure they reflect current best practice across the UK, in support of this we are inviting employers, training providers and professional bodies to get involved in the review.

A full list of NOS, Qualifications and Modern Apprenticeships which are currently under review can be found here.

Energy & Utility Skills’ 2018 programme of NOS, Qualification and Modern Apprenticeship review has begun with a review of Water and Multi-Utility NOS.

How to get involved

Feedback is now welcomed on the Water and Multi-Utility NOS Functional Maps.  A Functional Map is simply an overview of a job role(s), and how the functions of that role relate to the current suite of NOS.  Click here to review and provide feedback on the Functional Maps by 5pm Tuesday 4 September 2018 (links to external site).

We are now also taking bookings for a series of Water and Multi-Utility NOS Review Focus Groups at which the updating and re-drafting of the NOS will begin:

If you would like to be involved in any other part of the consultation process please email indicating which suite of NOS, Qualifications, or Modern Apprenticeships you are interested in, as well as your contact details and location, and we will send you details of how to get involved.