Energy UK held a roundtable on 12 July to discuss issues around diversity and inclusion in our sector. The event was attended by employment minister Alok Sharma along with representatives from a number of sector employers including Energy & Utility Skills members Centrica, EDF Energy, E.ON, Npower, RWE, Scottish Power Renewables and SSE.
Energy UK also launched its Diversity and Inclusion in Energy publication at the event. The document provides an overview of increased activity taking place in the sector to raise visibility of career opportunities within underrepresented communities.
Abbie Sampson, Energy UK’s director of external affairs, said:
“By highlighting and building on all the good work already underway there is a huge opportunity to be realised – accessing an untapped resource of skills for the industry and giving more people the opportunity to work in an exciting industry at the forefront of innovation and technological development.”
The Energy & Utility Skills Partnership, a collaboration of 28 leading sector employers which formed in summer 2016, is also helping to drive improved access to opportunities within minority groups in line with their sector’s Workforce Renewal and Skills Strategy, which sets out plans to improve access to employment for all communities regardless of ethnicity, gender, disability, religious belief or sexual orientation.
The Skills Partnership recognises the value of sharing best practice and that tackling our sector’s challenges together can have a greater impact than individually tackling the challenges faced by employers. As a result, the Partnership has formed a Diversity & Inclusion Network Forum made up of sector employers. This collaborative group encourages more employers from across the gas, power, waste management and water industries to get involved and take collective action, complementing the work of other organisations including Energy UK.
As part of the Skills Partnership, Talent Source Network is helping to promote the vast range of careers in the sector to a wider audience ensuring that opportunities are visible and accessible to all, with an increased focus on women, BAME communities and talent with disabilities.
Nick Ellins, Chief Executive of Energy & Utility Skills said:
“Energy UK have continued to be proactive and passionate partners for securing a skilled and resilient workforce in the energy sector, and I congratulate them on their continued work to champion greater inclusion and access to opportunities within the energy and utilities sector.
“This excellent work meets perfectly the challenge set out in the inaugural Energy & Utilities Skills Partnership Workforce Renewal and Skills Strategy, and complements the now utility-wide employer diversity and inclusion network forum being operated by Energy & Utility Skills.
“We are collectively building a movement that will provide employment opportunities within the sector for all – leading to a workforce that truly represents the communities our industries serve.”
Find out more about the work of the Energy & Utilities Skills Partnership.