Embedding the Skills Accord

There are four core activities companies must complete to become signatories of the Skills Accord and receive recognition and an award for embedding the commitments.

Embedding the Skills Accord

The Process

Embedding the Skills Accord involves the following four stage process, including the four main commitments:

  1. Sign-up and become a signatory– Signatories will need to assign and agree on the procurement, training and project lead for the company, realise the commitments requirements, submit their application and pay an annual fee.
  2. Embed the commitments – Signatories will fulfil the commitments for:
  • Commitment 1 – Understand and apply the Training Eligibility Criteria (TEC) to ensure skills shortage areas are targeted and set a training target.
  • Commitment 2 – Onboard your suppliers and ensure they embed the commitments.
  • Commitment 3 – Embed skills development into your procurement process.
  • Commitment 4 – Have in place continuous improvement plans for your own sustainable workforce practices and that of your suppliers.
  1. Complete Annual Review (Commitment 5) – Signatories will commit to completing the Annual Review to assess compliance. This involves completing the quantitative assessment and qualitative evaluation questionnaire
  2. Assessment and award– Signatories will attend the Best Practice and Award event and receive an award depending on their Annual Review score


To read more about the Skills Accord, please download our brochure.

Find Out More

Become a signatory today. For more information on the Skills Accord and how it can benefit your organisation, please contact Rebecca Clay by emailing rebecca.clay@euskills.co.uk

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