
With Energy & Utility Skills looking after the skills agenda for the future of the gas industry, you can rest assured it’s in safe hands.


Our Work

Our work covers all areas of the gas industry, starting with those who generate, transport and distribute the gas through to those working with the customer on the installation and utilisation end. The gas industry currently employs around 184,100 people, all of whom benefit from our hard work in skills and government as well as our extra products and services.

Gas Distribution Networks

We work in collaboration with Gas Distribution Networks to help employers in the Gas industry attract, develop and maintain a sustainable, skilled workforce through our specialist services.

For information on our services for the Gas industry, click on the links below:

Standards Setting Body

Energy & Utility Skills facilitates and manages the standards-setting process to enable individuals to register with the Gas Safe Register, on behalf of the downstream gas industry.

For information on the Standard Setting Body services, click on the links below.

ACS Information

Join Us

For more information about the industry standards, our products and services or to get involved with the standards-setting body, get in touch with Ian Moss, Client Manager by emailing

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