Matters of Gas Safety Criteria

The Nationally Accredited Certification Scheme is generally referred to as ACS. Its purpose is to ensure individuals are assessed against a set of national criteria based on industry standards, best practice and technology.

Matters of Gas Safety Criteria

What Is It?

ACS assessments are based on the Matters of Gas Safety Criteria and are structured under the following categories:

  • Domestic
  • Meters and Emergency response
  • LPG
  • Non-Domestic


Domestic Core

Domestic Appliances

Changeover to Domestic

ESP & Meter Installer Core

Meter and Regulator Categories

Changeover to ESP

LPG Core

LPG Pipework

LPG Appliances

Changeover to LPG

Non-Domestic Core

Non-Domestic Pipeline

Non-Domestic Appliances

Changeover to Non-Domestic

Non-Accredited Assessments

Find Out More

For more information on the Matters of Gas Safety Criteria, please get in touch with Malcolm Greetham, Technical Standards Officer by emailing

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