Standards Consultation Forum

The Standards Consultation Forum (SCF) meets regularly. Please find the forum Terms of Reference and most recent notes and agendas below.

Standards Consultation Forum

The Standards Consultation Forum aims to:

  • Ensure that employers, subject matter experts and self-employed registered engineers and gas industry stakeholders are appropriately consulted as an integral part of the process of competence standard setting arising from proposals to amend, remove or introduce new competency standards, assessment mechanisms and/or associated aspects for businesses seeking registration on the Gas Safe Register.
  • Discuss and agree by way of majority the necessary changes to the competency standards arising from changes to the industry. These changes range from technical bulletins and safety alerts to gas safety related issues and technological innovation in order to ensure the competency standards are current and remain as up to date as reasonably possible.


Find Out More

For more information on the Standards Consultation Forum, please get in touch with Ian Moss, Client Manager by emailing

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