Power Network Groups

Formed by Industry. Designed to promote best practice.

Power Network Groups

The Network Groups

These Network Groups have been formed by industry and are designed to promote best practice and to collaboratively resolve key skills issues across the Power industry.

With this in mind we have a number of Network Groups that inform and support the direction of the work we do.

Facilitated by Energy & Utility Skills, each group is chaired by industry and has a specific remit and encourages employers to contribute via an agreed nomination of a suitable person from their organisation. The representatives have an appropriate level of knowledge and delegated authority to make decisions on behalf of their organisation and the industry sub-sector which they represent.

For more information on the Network Groups please click on the links below:

Find Out More

Become a member and help influence the future of the Power industry. To find out more about membership please contact us on 0845 077 99 22 or email membership@euskills.co.uk.




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