Competence Management System

More appropriate environmental compliance.

Competence Management System

What Is It?

Ensuring operations comply with Environment Agency permits efficiently is a key responsibility for businesses in the waste management and water industries.

Developed with leading waste management and recycling and water organisations across the UK, and the Environmental Services Association, the Competence Management System is a cost-effective way to demonstrate technical competence in order to manage and comply with environmental permits.

The Competence Management System, which is approved by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), the Welsh Government and the Environment Agency, is based on the principles of ISO9001 and 14001.

Who Is It For?

Any company, from any industry, that is required to demonstrate technical competence for their environmental permit.

What Are The Benefits?

  • Removes reliance on specific individuals, who could become unavailable due to sickness and holidays or leave the business, and maintains business operational continuity regardless of individual staff member issues
  • Increases staff awareness of environmental issues and permit requirements and applies increased awareness of emergency situations thereby potentially reducing incident response time and risk of site downtime
  • Satisfies the competence condition of your environmental permit in a proactive business focused manner
  • Proves your business operates responsibly through building in business resilience by establishing robust systems, demonstrating you have processes in place to avoid permit breaches and associated reputational risk
  • Bespoke to your organization and recognises investment in training across the whole business rather than a single individual
  • Creates competence awareness across the whole permitted operation, improving standards and efficiency
  • Can be integrated with existing management systems such as ISO9001 and 14001, reducing costs and delivering whole business improvements
  • Facilitates identification of skills gaps and assists in the development of operational consistency across different sites whilst demonstrating the organisation’s commitment to skills, employee development and competence.

Find Out More

To find out more about Competence Management System or request a copy of the standard, please contact us on 0845 077 99 22 or email

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