Our Work

The energy and utilities sector is a major user and developer of skills with a half million employees in its workforce across the UK.

Our Work

The Skills Challenge

It is predicted that 221,000 vacancies will need to be filled by 2027, including 100,000 existing employees that are set to retire and 90,000 people who will leave to find new roles.

These challenges are made all the more daunting by the difficulties the sector faces in filling vacancies with competent workers. The Employer Skills Survey (2015) found that 36% of vacancies that are hard to fill in the energy and utilities sectors are due to a lack of skilled applicants, which as a percentage  is higher than any other sector (the average UK figure is 23%).

As such a strategically important sector, we must consider how we meet these major skills deficiencies and workforce challenges over the next decade.

Our Work

Energy & Utility Skills is the voice of the sector and works with our members, governments and regulators to find solutions to these challenges. We provide a range of services that support our members to maintain a skilled and sustainable workforce now and in the future.

In addition to this, we provide insights and guidance to our members and other key stakeholders through both our policy work and our role within the Energy & Utilities Skills Partnership.

Key initiatives we have been working on include:

We also provide a number of valuable solutions through the Energy & Utility Skills Group.

Find Out More

If you would like to talk to us about our services and work, please contact us on 0121 713 8255 or email communications@euskills.co.uk.