Apprenticeship Levy

The Apprenticeship Levy was implemented across the UK in April 2017. We are working closely with government officials and other key stakeholders to maximise its value for sector employers.

Apprenticeship Levy

About the Levy

The Apprenticeship Levy is part of a broader set of reforms designed to further improve the quality of apprenticeship programmes, through a change in funding approach. The government has committed to creating an additional 3 million apprenticeships by 2020. The levy will help to deliver this and will support quality training by putting employers at the centre of the system.

Our objective is to work across the UK to ensure the energy and utilities sector can maximise and optimise the value of the Apprenticeship Levy, ensuring a resilient, skilled and sustainable workforce in gas, power, water and wastewater, and recycling waste management.

Sector Levy Advisory Group

In response to the Levy introduction we have formed a cross-sector Levy Advisory Group (LAG) to update the energy and utilities sector, represent members and inform policy development and implementation. The group’s focus is to:

  • Understand and advise on the impact of the Levy on the UK energy and utilities sector
  • Be the ‘sector voice’, promoting the sectors needs and requirements
  • Review and inform Apprenticeship Levy policy development and its implementation across the UK
  • Respond to levy policy outcomes and influence positive change; directly enabling and assisting successful transition from policy to practice
  • Ensure the best possible sharing of information and best practice

We are committed to providing our members with the latest information and ensuring that their knowledge and experience is taken into account to design effective policies. The following Energy & Utility Skills members participate in this group:


Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy

Key Resources

We have developed a number of resources to support our members in understanding the implications of the Apprenticeship Levy for them, and to assist with policy implementation. These documents are available in our exclusive Members Area.

These include:

  • Regular FAQs to reflect the latest developments
  • Sector guides with easy access to all the relevant government policy and guidance documents published on the revised apprenticeship system, levy and funding
  • Sector apprenticeship funding guide for employers
  • Positioning papers from the perspective of UK employers
  • Regular member communications on latest developments, insight and practices
  • Library of key reports and intelligence from a range of trusted sources

Find Out More

Members wishing to find out more about the Apprenticeship Levy and associated activities can contact 0845 077 99 22 or email

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