Apprenticeship Standards

Standards are developed by Trailblazer groups. A Trailblazer group is a group of employers that work in partnership, often supported by organisations such as Energy & Utility Skills.

Apprenticeship Standards

Developing Apprenticeship Standards

Energy & Utility Skills is currently working with employers to develop more apprenticeship standards across the sector. If you are an employer who is interested in developing a new apprenticeship standard, Energy & Utility Skills offers a costed service which can support employers through the expression of interest and application process to the Institute for Apprenticeships.

Our Developed Standards

Below is a list of the Apprenticeships that Energy & Utility Skills has developed and had approved in partnership with employers:

Find Out More

View the Institute for Apprenticeship guide to developing Standards here.

If you would like to develop a new standard for the energy and utilities sector, please contact us on 0121 713 8255 or complete our online enquiry form.