
Take advantage of our fantastic exhibitor opportunities and gain optimum visibility throughout the entire conference.


Why Exhibit?

This year we are expecting over 200 senior human resources, learning & development and operational professionals from across the power sector to attend the conference.

We are returning to the same conference venue as last year following excellent feedback from both delegates and exhibitors. The exhibition stands are central to the experience on the day, located immediately outside the doors of the theatre where the conference talks will take place. The exhibition area surrounds the catering stands that will serve refreshments to delegates from registration first thing in the morning, through lunch, to the last coffee break of the day. We limit our exhibition area so each exhibitor will benefit from multiple high-quality networking opportunities with delegates throughout the day.

The exhibition package includes two tickets to the evening awards ceremony. Only ten packages are available so contact us today to find out more.

“Fantastic venue, well organised and the area for the stands was perfect.”

– 2017 Conference Exhibitor Feedback

List of Exhibitors

The following exhibitors are confirmed so far:

  • Babcock International Group
  • Logic Certification Ltd
  • Lomax Training
  • PQMS
  • Utility & Construction Training Limited

Find out more

Places are limited. If you would like to exhibit at our conference, please contact Steven Green, Provider Engagement Manager, on steven.green@euias.co.uk or 07765 253 454.

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