
Membership brings employers together to identify and address skills challenges facing the sector. It also ensures governments across the four nations understand the unique workforce challenges of the energy and utilities sector.


Who Is Membership For?

Membership is open to organisations of all shapes and sizes operating within the energy and utilities sector. In particular, membership will benefit large asset owning organisations, large sector operators and tier one and two supply chain organisations.

What Our Members Value

In our most recent survey, our members told us that they valued the following membership benefits:

  • Opportunities to shape policy through engagement with relevant UK-wide government, regulators and authorities
  • Influencing UK approaches to the apprenticeship levy and apprenticeship standards
  • Contributing to workforce renewal strategies and promoting the value of the energy and utilities workforce to the UK
  • Networking and collaboration opportunities to share and promote best practice
  • Access to sector intelligence and skills research
  • Newsflashes, updates and monthly Sector Round-up communications
  • Access to discounted events, products and services

Our Successes

Our members make our work possible. To read about our successes over the past year, download our membership flyer and our ROI infographic.

Join Us

To find out more about membership please contact 0845 077 99 22 or email

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