Benefits of Membership

There are many benefits to being a member of Energy & Utility Skills ranging from organisational support to sector representation, enabling long-term sustainability and success in the sector.

Benefits of Membership

Organisational Support

As a member, you will have access to resources which are designed to support your organisation and its continued development. This includes:

  • Access to established industry network groups that promote best practice and build collaboration to address skills needs
  • Participation in advisory groups that are being established in response to government reforms (Levy Advisory Group), to inform the sector, represent employers and influence policy development
  • Delivery of strategic priorities access to the members’ area on and membership of the LinkedIn group, monthly sector round-up and regular member-exclusive communications, all of which provide the latest relevant information on skills and sector development

Strategic Thought Leadership and Sector Representation

  • Development and implementation of skills strategies to ensure the long-term sustainability of the sector (including the first Energy & Utilities Workforce Renewal and Skills Strategy)
  • A collaborative voice for the sector to influence policy reform and development (through the Apprenticeship Levy Advisory Group and Trailblazer Reform)
  • A sector interpretation of government policy across the four nations (National Infrastructure Plan, Industrial Strategies, Select Committee inquiries, National Audit Office projects, Apprenticeship Levy and Reforms, Public Accounts Committee evidence, Smart Metering policy response, Scotland energy policy input, Welsh Government Levy funding, Sainsbury review of Vocational Education Reform)
  • Up-to-date sector research (Migration Advisory Committee, Employer Skills Survey and Higher Education Statistics Agency)

A Sector Infrastructure for Skills and Talent

  • Maintenance of National Occupational Standards (NOS) across the four nations to ensure they meet the future needs of employers
  • Maintenance and development of industry-specific qualifications based on National Occupational Standards to ensure they remain current and are fit for purpose in consultation with employers and awarding bodies.
  • Development and launch of collaborative initiatives such as the Talent Source Network (to attract and retain diverse talent, and create credible strategic partnerships) and the Skills Accord (a commitment to embed the requirement for skills development within procurement practices)

Join Us

To find out more about membership please contact 0845 077 99 22 or email

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