Passport Schemes

Our Passport Schemes are entry-level training courses developed in collaboration with employers across a number of industries.

Passport Schemes

The Schemes

National Water Hygiene

This course provides access to many restricted operations and sites covering topics such as health & hygiene awareness and contamination risks when working on clean water sites such as water treatment works or transient works on the water network.  The EUSR card issued when an individual passes this course is sometimes referred to as a ‘Blue Card’.

Safety, Health and Environmental Awareness (SHEA)

These courses are available in a number of industries – Gas, Power, Water, Waste Management, Telecommunications and Cross Country Pipelines. The courses cover basic health, safety and environmental law as well as best practice when on sites.  Each SHEA course shares a common core of units with additional industry specific units. Our SHEA schemes are all CSCS Partner card schemes, meaning SHEA registration allows access to CSCS controlled sites for utilities work.

Basic Electrical Safety Competence for Access Movement & Egress (BESC AME)

This course covers entry and exit from electricity transmission and distribution work sites in a safe and controlled manner; three categories are available covering: Substations, Overhead Lines and Underground Cables.

Safe Control of Operations (SCO)

This course is for all individuals involved in operational activities on gas networks.  There are five categories of training for Competent Persons/Authorising Engineers  covering the different levels of responsibility within Routine and Non-Routine Operations.

Find Out More

If you would like to find out more about Passport Schemes, please click here.

If you are interested in delivering an Energy & Utility Skills Passport Scheme, visit our Approved Trainer page.

If you would like to talk to us about our services, please contact us on 0121 713 8255 or email