Group Competence Scheme

The Group Competence Scheme (GCS) is an alternative option for Gas Safe registered businesses. GCS enables Gas Safe registered businesses to satisfy the Gas Safe re-assessment requirements using their own internal competence management processes.

Group Competence Scheme

Why choose the Group Competence Scheme?

The GCS approach offers a radically different way for you to demonstrate gas competence of your registered engineers. It aligns to employers’ existing statutory responsibilities to ensure the competence of their employees. The scheme incorporates the same “matters of gas safety” criteria as ACS and is certificated by a UKAS accredited certification body following an audit of the employer’s GCS management system.

GCS offers employers a real choice in how they achieve the re-assessment of employees and incorporates the concept of continuous professional development, rather than reliance on a single “snapshot” assessment every five years.

Case Study – Driving Continuous Improvement in Gas Safety

Aaron Services Ltd, a provider of heating, servicing and maintenance services to the housing sector, employs over 200 experienced gas operatives. The business has adopted the Group Competency Scheme (GCS) route to demonstrate gas competence, providing an alternative route to Gas Safe registration.


A number of key drivers led their Senior Management Team (SMT) to decide on GCS:

  • Improved operative development, training and assessment
  • Robust principles and process model
  • Ability to demonstrate complete gas safety out in the field
  • Any issues and/or concerns on an individual’s gas competence will be promptly identified and addressed
  • Investment in continuous improvement rather than the standard assessment route


Aaron Services Ltd worked with Energy & Utility Skills, to put in place the GCS principles and processes. Their GCS manual was designed to ensure that their operatives receive continuous support, out in the field on actual jobs in customer’s properties, as opposed to an artificial “classroom style” environment.

Stroma Certification were appointed to audit the Scheme and certify that Aaron Services operatives meet the Gas Safe requirements. Operatives are now observed doing actual jobs to demonstrate the matters of gas safety, with increased training and assessment.


“Overall, our GCS model has met our expectations in all areas, helping to drive continuous improvement in matters of gas safety.”

Jon Posey, Commercial Director, Aaron Services Ltd

Everyone within Aaron Services has fully supported and subscribed to their new GCS. All staff understand the importance of playing their part in the Scheme, such as following instructions, company procedures, industry standards and legislation changes. Benefits include:

  • Their 200 hundred plus experienced gas operatives appreciate that it allows them to be assessed on the job, rather than in an artificial environment
  • All managers and supervisors see the positive benefits of GCS, and welcome the increased level of training, assessment and support to their gas operative teams
  • Their Senior Management Team believes that they will see improvements in the quality of gas work being undertaken by their operatives

Find Out More

To find out more about how GCS could help your organisation, please contact Lucy Ritchie, Solutions Manager by phone on 07850203755 or email

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