Dr. Jacqueline Hall

Head of Assessment Services

Dr. Jacqueline Hall

At Energy & Utility Skills, Jacqueline has been instrumental in the establishment of a new Energy and Utilities Independent Assessment Service (EUIAS). The EUIAS works with all major employers and key stakeholders within the sector on pedagogy, funding, pre-implementation planning and specification design. As part of this transformation, Jacqueline is responsible for the strategy and senior project management of the new apprenticeship standards and assessments for the gas power, waste management and water industries.

Jacqueline has worked at a senior strategic level within a UK plc, responsible for the Middle East and North Africa. In addition, she has worked on strategic recovery projects for both SMEs and public sector education institutions. She has been involved in European SME projects around e-learning and development within SMEs to improve business competitiveness and workforce competence. From 2006, she has undertaken expert evaluation within the European Union Research Framework, Horizon 2020, Framework 7, ICT Policy Support Programme and Erasmus. She has also worked as a senior manager within Further Education, with responsibility including all work based learning provision, and has previously worked as an associate inspector for OFSTED.

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